Saturday, February 25, 2006


Wow and DOUBLE WOW. I am extremely frustrated right now. I'm in college because that's what I'm supposed to do and "I have to have a degree." Do I want to be in college? Who does, really? Do I want a degree? Yes, of course. I have had 3 different majors: business, elem ed. and now middle school math ed. (Am I crazy? perhaps). I don't like IUPUI for many reasons. One of the most important ones: not a good education program. (Josh & D: excellent engineering program, and for that, I DO recommend IUPUI). There are so many ideas that have popped into my head within the last couple weeks. Things that I don't like to think about, but have to because they are life decisions. I'm beginning this semester to take my math classes for my middle school math education. I just had a math test, thought I did good on, barely passed it. This is really frustrating for me, especially because this is only the FIRST course of like 12 that I have to take. In order to maintain scholarships, I have to keep my GPA up--this is not the way to do it. I'm starting to freak out...I know I know "don't freak out, God will let you know his plan in due time." Honestly though, that isn't much help to me right now. Perhaps, my faith is lacking and needs to be strengthened. In fact, I know it does. But I can't do this on my own. Will you guys pray with me and for me please? I love you all so much! I know it may be hard to think, "Miriam is upset?"---because I've always been told I'm almost "too" happy sometimes...but we all have downs . Thanks guys!


Anonymous said...

Lord Jesus, I ask that you grant Miriam the wisdom to make choices that will honor you; that she will
continue to wait for your specific
leading & that you will encourage her heart & increase her faith & trust in you daily. Thank you Lord
for the answers that you will provide for her. In Jesus Name,Amen.

BeckyLynn said...

Honey believe me I have been through this. You will be okay. You are a strong girl. You have to believe in yourself that you can do this. The good thing about barely passing your first test, is now you know how your professor will test for the rest of the semester. You will better prepared for the next one I promise. I have gone through this experience plenty of times! I love you girl! Call me if you need someone to vent too. I will always be here.