Saturday, March 18, 2006


Originally uploaded by rimo523.
Sometimes my life and brain..feel like this picture: AHHHH! Stress is starting to accumulate and I'm trying harder and harder to surpress it and push it back down. It's only midterm but school is getting tough. I'm having to get extra help with my math--and I want to be a math teacher? Perhaps maybe I don't? But if I don't, then what do I want to do with my life? And if I DO want to be a math teacher..IUPUI is not the place to do where am I going to transfer to?! I've applied to 3 different colleges..but transferring colleges especially out of state, is a big deal. And then there's work. Cracker Barrel---well as Tracy K. refers to it: it's a barrel of crack. haha! Nah, it's not too bad, but I don't like working there and it's really bad on my back. So I need to find another job. And AHHHH! I apologize that this is more of a complaint post than anything else, but I'm frustrating and the stress levels are rising. So if you think about it, say a quick prayer for me. Thank you guys! LOVE YOU ALL!


Lisa said...

Ok Mirm, breath! Everything is going to be ok. I know it gets overwhelming, but I promise it will be fine. You have the rest of your life to stress!

Love ya!

AmyJo said...

Mirm, You'll be aaaaiiight. Just kick back, relax, and enjoy the purty flowers this spring. You'll make a fine math teacher.

Tracy said...

Hey Mirm,
If I retire at the ripe old age of 30 you can have my job as flagger. I know the boss, so I can give a good word for you!
Life's too short to stress- maybe another trip to the Children's Museum is in order?

Susie said...

Hey girl!
You have someone who is more than willing to take the stress for you! Relax...God's got your back. His grace is more than sufficient for you at this time. Remember, you only have to live today, right now. Tomorrow is another day. God will give you direction. He knows what your tomorrows hold. He know where you need to be in the future. He has provided your help in Math, right? He provided this job, right? Maybe is was just for a season, but He provided! That is what the focus should be on.
He will provide your next job that will be right for you. He will open the door of the school you need to be. How many people have you touched at IUPUI? Maybe that was the season, someone else needed what you have to offer! I just encourage you to relax, climb up into your Daddy's arms (your heavenly and even you earthly Dad will do) and listen to His heartbeat. He's gotcha covered! You will be fine. God is big enough!