Tuesday, October 24, 2006

For His love endures forever...

I have a couple updates with how things are going down here. I'm still struggling with a few things regarding my job at Best Buy. But I'm listening to hear what the Lord has for me to do in that situation. About the purse situation: one of the cell phones (not mine, the other girl's) was found the next day, smashed in three pieces on the side of the road. A graciuos citizen picked up the pieces, put the phone together and contacted the owner; so my friend now has her phone back. As for all the other items: still missing. However, an investigation has been underway to identify and find the suspect. Today, I met with the investigator to try and pick the guy out of a line-up. I was pretty nervous about it. I narrowed it down to 2 out of the 6, and chose the one I thought it was. The investigator immediately corrected me, pointing to the other of the 2 of whom I had narrowed it down. I looked at the investigator, surprised and said, "So you know who did it?" He told me Yes in fact they know who it was, they have his name and know where his parents live. As it turns out, the other guy that was there Saturday night: Person B, admitted to knowing Person A and gave his name: Person A was Person C's ex-boyfriend. I asked if it was bad that I couldn't identify the guy, and he said it wasn't that big of a deal, because I didn't have a face-to-face conversation with him, like one of the adult chaperones had. And that adult chaperone did indeed identify the correct guy, so everything turned out okay. Now, it's just a waiting period until they can find the guy. So: we wait.

In the meantime, I've been checking out the a-mazing trees down here!! This past weekend a friend and I went to the top of one of the mountains here, and watched the sun set. It was BEAUTIFUL! And everything was sooo quiet and still up there. It was a really cool time that reminded me how BIG our God is. These two pictures are products from our journey up the mountain. Enjoy them! Think Brown County + autumn x 10 = East Tennessee in October (hey, what can I say? I'm a math major :)


AmyJo said...

That's great that the perp was identified! Hope they catch his butt soon. Those trees are gorgeous. Hey, I miss your sweet self.

HaNnAh MoNtAnA said...

Hey Mirm,

just wanted to see how you were doing...im guessing that everythings okay....miss you...<3
