Tuesday, September 27, 2005

How will I be remembered?

As I was spending time with the Creator today, I was reading Acts 2. First of all, what an awesome passage of Scripture. It's all about the Holy Ghost! The people got blown about by strong, rapid wind; little flames were "floating" above their heads, maybe their hair caught on fire? who knows; and then all of the sudden they blurting out weird and foreign languages. Can you imagine what that would have felt like? Not only physically, but emotionally and mentally--hearing all of that around you and watching how other people are reacting, all the while not being able to control what's coming from your mouth? I think it would have been awesome! But here's the big thing that got me. I've read this passage hundreds of times, and this has never stood out to me until now: verse 5 says, "Now there were staying in Jerusalem God-fearing Jews from every nation under heaven." The Jews are described as GOD-FEARING. There was obviously something about them, that was so outspoken and evident that Paul had to specifically state they were God-fearing. The Jews honored God with their lives and had so much respect for their Creator. I think we, as Christians, myself included, have taken on a mentality that is much less than the Jews. Yes of course we revere God as the Great I Am and the Holy One, but do we really fear Him in the way we're supposed to? Do we really acknowledge continuously who He is and what He's done for us? Or just sometimes let it take a backseat? For me, I know that I have some steps I need to be taking. When I'm no longer around and people talk about me or write about me, I want to be known as a woman who feared God, like the Jews. What an awesome testimony! What are your thoughts?

Sunday, September 25, 2005


Originally uploaded by rimo523.
Beth, Cindy and I were all bridesmaids at the wedding. We wore those stinkin dresses for 6 hours!! But, it was worth it. :)


Originally uploaded by rimo523.
Charis and Phil! My sister and new brother-in-law! They got married yesterday. It was a beautiful wedding, granted it was planned in 2 months! And finally, she's out of the house!! YESSS! I will miss her though. But i'm glad that she married Phil..they're perfect for each other. Love you guys!

Monday, September 19, 2005


Originally uploaded by rimo523.
This is Spike. He lives at the pond in Cindy's apartment complex. Now, none of us can figure out what exactly has happened to Spike, so if you think you have an explanation or would like to offer some suggestions, please feel free. He's been like this for a few years. A sad misfortune, but he's learned to deal with it. He's become a favorite at the apartments and whenever there are geese, the first one we look for is Spike. He should get some kind of honorable mention or award. You're a hero, Spike.

Crazy Boys

Originally uploaded by rimo523.
Yann and Jeremy are two of my closest guy friends. I've known Jeremy since we were four! I've only known Yann for 3 years, but he's a special guy. It's rare to find a picture of Jeremy smiling, but this one is pretty good! I miss hanging out with Jeremy and Amanda. They are only about 30 minutes away from me and I'm going to have to go see them. Yann, he's about 10 hours...in an airplane, away from me, but that doesn't mean I miss him any less. I pray that these boys stay close to God and always remain my good friends! I love you boys!

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Who's that girl!?

Originally uploaded by rimo523.
"Who's that lady? (Who's that lady)"

Ahh yes! What's not to love about this face? :) It's my girl, Ash! She's getting married in 2 months. YAY! I'm excited for her, because I know that she loves Matt and Matt loves her. However, I'd be lying if I didn't say I'm a little jealous of Mr. Matthew. He's going to get to spend 24/7 with her! (Not that they don't already..:) But I know that just because she's getting married, doesn't mean I'm going to be any less a part of her life. Things will change, but I'm still going to be her best friend. And THAT deserves a "Hip-Hip-Hooray!" Ashley, I love you so much! and I'm so excited that you going to a new stage in life and bringing the old (me) with you! :) WAHOOOOOOOOOOO! *kisses to you ashley*

Originally uploaded by rimo523.
Look how cute we are!

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

The Work Place

Originally uploaded by rimo523.
I have started working at Cracker Barrel in Anderson now. I'm serving, so those of you who can, come in and let me serve you! :) It's a very high-energy job, but that's the kind of environment i thrive in. however, i've forgotten about how bad my feet ache after my shift is done. but it's only one setback to the job. i think i'll enjoy it!

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Mon frere...

Originally uploaded by rimo523.
This is my brother, Jonathan. He lives 7,000 miles away from me in France. I miss him soo much. We get to visit each other about twice a year, but that's not enough. I wish that we lived closer together. Hopefully, next year he'll be in Ohio for college, so I'll see him more. This guy loves the Lord so much. He is such an example to me. He cares for everyone around him and never meets a stranger. Jonat is a friend to everyone he meets. I pray for him to succeed in God and in God's plan for his life. I miss you and I love you Jonat!