Monday, March 27, 2006

God is on the move! Are you ready?

If you didn't get a chance to go to church Sunday night, definitely get a hold of a tape or CD---maybe even for the new technology junkies: download it through itunes podcast. Whatever way you have to do, DO IT! PBR preached on the "future of the charismatic movement." It starts with our willingness to use what the Holy Spirit has given us: His power and our prayer language. If you have it: use it. If you don't: make sure you ask God to receive it. After the message, we had a time of ministry. I cannot tell you how long it's been since I've taken part in ministry--something like 6 or 7 months, and that my friends, is WAY too long. Pastor Bill laid hands on me, I received, but didn't "feel" anything. But by faith, I received it. I noticed there were two or three rows of youth just sitting back for different reasons I'm sure..."too cool" or afraid, or embarrassed, the list goes on. I walked over there to encourage them to go up front and receive a touch from God...they all just kind of looked at me like did I really expect THEM to go up there? "Yeah, right." No sooner had I walked ten feet away from them, that PBR addressed the youth group, relating to them about how he was once in their position. Pretty soon, the whole row filtered up front. Many of them had never had a touch from the Holy Spirit or experienced His power, so they were a little scared. One girl didn't want to let go of my arm. But God is faithful and He touched her and let her catch a glimpse of who He is and what He can do. Another girl was baptized in the Holy Spirit and received her prayer language right then! How awesome!? I was able to minister to a group of teens who were all experiencing God at the same time. It was soo cool to be able to relate to them...I'm not all high and mighty by any means, but I've been where they are and I remember just starting out like them. I really felt the Holy Spirit telling me to get them into a circle and have them start praying. Then I went around the circle and prayed for each one. After all of this, I was sitting down, praying, and realizing what I've been missing out on the past few months. I had forgotten what kind of power explodes in us when we pray in the Spirit. I felt so refreshed and ready for God to move again. I know that I've not been as faithful as He's calling me to be. I am changing that. Let me leave you with this:

**Are you prepared to give out what God's put in you?**

Saturday, March 18, 2006


Originally uploaded by rimo523.
Sometimes my life and brain..feel like this picture: AHHHH! Stress is starting to accumulate and I'm trying harder and harder to surpress it and push it back down. It's only midterm but school is getting tough. I'm having to get extra help with my math--and I want to be a math teacher? Perhaps maybe I don't? But if I don't, then what do I want to do with my life? And if I DO want to be a math teacher..IUPUI is not the place to do where am I going to transfer to?! I've applied to 3 different colleges..but transferring colleges especially out of state, is a big deal. And then there's work. Cracker Barrel---well as Tracy K. refers to it: it's a barrel of crack. haha! Nah, it's not too bad, but I don't like working there and it's really bad on my back. So I need to find another job. And AHHHH! I apologize that this is more of a complaint post than anything else, but I'm frustrating and the stress levels are rising. So if you think about it, say a quick prayer for me. Thank you guys! LOVE YOU ALL!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006


Originally uploaded by rimo523.
I know that you all have missed me so very much. I tried to blog while on the beach, but my picture uploader website was blocked from the computer I was using. Mehgan and I had an awesome time! I got to see a friend I haven't seen in a year, we got to sleep in and make our own schedules, we laid on the beach, went to the dixie stampede, cruised the strip *whhat?!*, got a really nice tan, but best of all: two best friends bonded! yeah, that's mushy, but that's ultimately what happened. :) Here are a few photos from the trip:


Originally uploaded by rimo523.
This was the night we went to Club Kryptonite--where only the COOL people (18 & up) went! :) What a dance party it was...and yes, parental units out there, no worries, we abstained from the alcoholic beverages and remained sober.


Originally uploaded by rimo523.
Yeah this is for real..there was a high school MARCHING BAND on our beach...?!!? they marched like 1/4 mile down the beach drawing a thick crowd, then turned around and marched back..playing their instruments all the while. it was CRAZY!

Dead sand man

Originally uploaded by rimo523.
Some girl took about 45 minutes to create this..i dont know if there's a hidden message or's kind of creepy actually.


Originally uploaded by rimo523.
Things were getting a little crazy! Maybe too much sun!? Nah...:)

Originally uploaded by rimo523.
Sunburned and tired..but happy to be on break and at the beach.

Saturday, March 04, 2006


eiffel antique
Originally uploaded by rimo523.
Someone (??) informed me that no one cares about the beach, and I should write about more interesting things like going out of the country. So that's what I've done with these few posts. But let it be known: there ARE beaches in other countries and i LOVE them too!!

Les Baux

Originally uploaded by rimo523.
This is in Les Baux: old ruins of a castle/village on top of a mountain. We drove up some curvy hills to get to this site! Ash & I are enjoying the hide-outs! We also saw a man peeing in the corner at Les Baux. Apparently, it's natural--but when nature calls--dont ignore.


blue shutters
Originally uploaded by rimo523.
This was in a little town called Roussones..they call it the "red city" because most of the buildings are a deep red-orange from the dark red clay used to build the buildings. You can kind of get a glimpse of it with these apartments. Through Lisa, I gained an appreciation for blue shutters.


carc road
Originally uploaded by rimo523.
This is an old castle called Carcassone. It's now vacant and a touristy place, but if you could see the size of this bad baby, it would blow you away! I can't imagine living in something so huge!


Originally uploaded by rimo523.
The first 10 minutes of every hour, the Eiffel Tower sparkles. During the evening hours, it's lit, but in those first 10 minutes all one million of the lightbulbs start flashing at different times giving the appearance of "sparkle". (can you imagine changing those lightbulbs!? whew!)

Notre Dame

Originally uploaded by rimo523.
This is Notre Dame. Pronounced: Notra Dahm NOT noter dayme. I was told by our excellent tour guide Anais, it was built circa 16th century. I also learned that there should have been 2 tower steeple things (i'm sure there's a word for them, i just dont know it) on top of the 2 towers. but the builders ran out of money and couldn't complete it. perhaps this is why there's ALWAYS scaffolding off to the left side--?? if you look at other cathedrals almost all of them have steeple cone things (again, i dont know what the word for them is) on top.