Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Johnson City, Tennessee

I realize that many people don't want to accept the possibility of me transferring to another state for college, but folks the reality is: it just might happen. Dad and I took a roadtrip to Milligan College yesterday and today. It's absolutely beautiful down there. Down where? Johnson City, in eastern Tennessee. It is about 20 minutes from Virginia and N. Carolina. (Yes Lisa and Ang, it's only about 80 miles from Gatlinburg :) It's about a 7 hour drive, so it's kind of far. I wouldn't be coming home every weekend to be the Announcement Girl, so I'll be taking applications to fulfill that position during the upcoming months. I really liked Milligan. I've definitely missed the Christian environment lacking at IUPUI. There is also a good education program there. The atmosphere at Milligan was awesome: so much student involvement--again, something that is not true of Ewey-Pewey. I have a couple ideas for school spirit already--I know, I'm weird. Without a doubt, one of the things I will miss the most is my church. Milligan is based out of the Christian Church, which is actually what my dad's side of the family was/is involved in. But it's not even close to Christ Fellowship! :) I didn't realize how blessed I am to have such an awesome and powerful pastor who preaches with such uh..pizazzz!'s hard to come by a Christian church pastor that will take more than 2 steps away from the pulpit :) Anyway, please be in prayer for me as I make this difficult decision. Love you guys!

Saturday, April 22, 2006

about me part II

i feel like i have more to share...

i played volleyball for 4 years in middle school and high school.

my favorite sport to watch on t.v. is football--i go crazy!

i have been to 38/50 united states.

i prefer to drive a manual car rather than an automatic.

i hate when my room is a mess, but i dont do anything to fix it but look at it and hope it goes away!

in high school, i was student council president.

my favorite book of the Bible is Romans.

i dont show or tell many people the way i'm really feeling.

i cry when i get stressed.

i'm getting my motorcycle's license this summer.

my hair never does what i want it to.

i love anything coffee.

i am the most like my grandma solomon. i have her to thank for my nice skin color and mom says i have her legs (?hah) but she's been gone for 7 years (wow) and i miss her so so much.

my favorite colors are lime green and bright sky blue.

doublemint is my favorite gum. a close second is peppermint orbit.

i love rollercoasters! my favorite is millenium force at cedar point.

target is my favorite store...for a few reasons :)

okay so i think that's all. maybe later down the road, i'll have more.

Thursday, April 20, 2006


OK. so all day yesterday i was thinking, pondering and stressing about the trip. i called a few people last minute to see if they could go with me to TN because i really didn't like the idea of driving 7 hours there and 7 hours back by myself..not to mention if i decided to go to virginia. so: all day back and forth i went with my decision...i couldn't even concentrate on school work it was so bad. finally at the last minute dad and i decided it was best if i wait until next week when he can go with me, even though it's crunched in between two school days. but i was soo stressed out!!! why can't i just be done with school!! i need a break this is too much. (ha, i'm such a drama queen, seriously.)

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Road trip extraordinaire...

Tomorrow night I will begin my 20 hour journey in my car. I'm driving myself down to Tennesse to look at a college Thursday and then I'll drive over to Viriginia to look at another college. That's goign to be some major bonding with the Stallion (my black honda). I'll be back Saturday night. Please pray for a SAFE trip and that I won't be bored out of my freakin mind! I love you all! Peace out.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Back in the day

In case you don't remember what the Solomon girls looked like, or perhaps you didn't know us then..this is a glimpse of what we had goin on. This was taken Easter Sunday of '90 or '91, back when we had church in the Eastern Hancock cafeteria. Someone made these dresses for us but I don't remember who...maybe Kay Henry? But they all matched and they were pretty cool. Mom always made sure we had our little white sweaters for church. I guess the little white gloves came a few years later :) And check out the BANGS! we all had them...oh dear.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

C'est moi..

I'm copying Lisa's idea to tell you guys a little bit more about me (thanks lisa). Most people have come to know me as "the announcement girl" "ms. excitement" (thank you, jessup boys) as someone who is over enthusiastic sometimes to the point of spaz. how about crazily loud and energetic. yeah, i guess i do fit all those at some time or another. but perhaps most of you don't know the "other" side--oh yeah....there IS another side:

i cannot stand wet socks.

my favorite movie is aladdin.

thunderstorms make me happy.

i'm addicted to dr. pepper and gum.

i can drink like 2 gallons of milk a myself.

cigarette smoke, wood smoke or any other kind of smoke gives me a killer headache.

i have mild OCD, for example checking to make sure all the "electrical" stuff is turned off in every room of the house before going to bed: VCR, stereo, monitor, etc. and then i check it a 2nd time.

i can hear really high pitched noises and can tell when the downstairs t.v. is on when i'm upstairs because i can hear like the really tiny (radio?) waves.

i hate folding clothes so they are always on my floor.

i'm a pack rat.

i've played the piano for 15 years.

clicking noises and tiny tapping noises drive me crazy.

i can't sleep with any lights on or any sounds.

i still sleep with my blankie :)

i can eat a whole can of black olives in like 2 minutes.

i drive pretty fast.

i can speak french pretty well.

i am a photo freak. i have over 1500 pictures--easily.

i am the wedgie-giver queen, just ask cindy.

i can belch with the best of them (i know, it's not lady like but i'm working on it)

and oh yeah: Jesus Rocks my FACE off!!

okay so these are just a few things about me.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Holy Ghost rollers!

Originally uploaded by rimo523.
These three ladies are among the many people who have impacted my life, each one individually whether they know it or not. Andrea has taught me to never be ashamed. In whatever way God chooses to use you--you better do it and do it with a willing heart. Ashley has been my BFF for the last 5 years or so. She showed me it alright to be myself and be who God has called me to be no matter if it's the "cool" thing to do or not. Lisa has taught me how to overcome and that it just takes a little bit of faith and God will show up. Arrows will come at you from every side at the same time..just put up your shield and go to praying! These three ladies also have a tongue for the Holy Ghost. They can pray with a fire! I love you all!!!

Monday, April 10, 2006

Of Mice and Mirm.

1. Another bites the dust..*dun dun dun* another bites the dust..and another's one down and another one's gone and another one bites the dust!

Mouse count: 4 (8:34pm)

2. Another bites the dust..*dun dun dun* another bites the dust..and another's one down and another one's gone and another one bites the dust!

Mouse count: 5 (11:15pm)

Friday, April 07, 2006

Strike Three!

I apologize if you find my mouse posts redundant or mundane, but it's a big part of my life right now. My family left me and apparently someone informed the mice, so they've come out of their homes to try and "comfort" me; except, I don't want their "comfort." I upped the anny and set out 2 additional traps for a total of FOUR! "Surely, one of them will catch a mouse," I thought. Twenty-four hours pass by, 36 hours...I'm wondering if the "3am crinkle mouse" has gone into hiding..not so. I came home from work, checked the trap line...first one: BAM! sha-bang! Right on the money! Ok, not gonna lie..I screamed a little bit, because it took me by surprise. I wasn't expecting to see a mouse in this trap b/c it's been there the longest and it seems as if they've moved on from this spot. But this makes the THIRD mouse in 2 weeks. Aren't you proud of me!? Again, I disposed of him/her myself and set a new one. Maybe, I need my parents to go away a little more toughen me up. Perhaps that was their whole plan of leaving me here so I could bulk up and realize mice are no big deal. (EEP!) So guys, I'll try to make this the last mouse post and post about more interesting things. Thank you for letting me share my horrors, terrors, bravery, and victories with you!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Dangit, there's more!

i was awakened at 330 this morning to yes, another *crinkle crinkle* Will this ever end?

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Mouse story Part II

I come home from work and I carefully tread my way upstairs. 1st mouse trap check: nothing 2nd mouse trap check--the one I reset this morning--: there lies MR. MOUSE! I peer over the chair to look because I thought one might be there. I saw it flipped over and knew I’d caught one. “Well, I can’t leave it here ‘til Dad gets back because Sadie and Tiger will be up here before then and I don’t want them to get it.” –more thinking-- "Uh oh..that means I have to clean it up."

Utterly grossed out I searched for some rubber gloves. FOUND SOME! They had been used to clean out Bunny's cage. But Bunny found a new, “Yes I'll use these.”
I put them on...feeling pebbles and little pieces of something in the gloves, but trying to ignore and not think about what they might be. I search around my bedroom for a plastic bag, "There's got to be one somewhere!" No, so onto the next room. “AH-HAH!” I found a big trash bag that someone started to fill and then neglected. I grab the bag and make my way over to the SOTC (scene of the crime). Moving boxes and papers 6 inches away from the "zone", I notice that when the trap flipped, it made the mouse protrude a few centimeters off the paper towel. "Gross, he's touching my floor."
I analyze the situation, trying to figure out how to dispose of this thing without having to really look at it or touch it. "It's near impossible," I think to myself.

So, I go in for the kill..WAIT, he's already dead hah! Ever so carefully, I pick up 2 opposite corners of the paper towel so that it makes like a pocket thing for the mouse + trap. As I maneuver the trap, his tail brushes the wall. “Noo!! Now I have mouse germs on my wall!!!” I set it down to get a better grip, so he doesn't drop out of the paper towel completely--because that! could potentially cause a rumble in my stomach. One more try and PLOP! he's in the bag! Quickly, I pull the bag's drawstrings so I don’t have to look at it again (however, I did pause and give him a moment of silence to see how exactly the he had been trapped). Out to the trash barrel I go. Back inside the house, I'm cool and confident. I grab another mouse trap, "This time I'll set it myself." I place it in the same position where I found Mr. Mouse this afternoon. And THAT, is my mouse tail. (HA!)

Good morning to me!?

This morning my alarm went off and i was laying there getting awake..and i heard really loud paper rustling. i sat up and looked around on the floor and saw a flash of brown. i sat a spy---as still as a rock by night (trust me, rocks are stiller at night)--about 30 seconds passed by. all of the sudden here rushes mr. mouse. he runs up to a bag that has CHOCOLATE in it. i watch as he tries to chew through the tinfoil of the chocolate bag. then, as to not be spotted he dashes off. 10 seconds later, he's back for a second (possibly 79th try, who knows?) shot. again, *nibble nibble* *scratch scratch* and then off he goes. i wait for a few more minutes, but he's gone off to another part of the room. i can hear him though..scratching around. so i reset another mousetrap and put it where i thought he was. i was a little scared to walk around up there--he was a little on the big side for a mouse. Not to mention the fact that our cat Tiger, who is supposed to be a 17 year old, professional mouse-catcher, couldn't be any less concerned. So our dog Sadie thinks that now she's the mouse-catcher. The only problem is that she's too loud and way too slow. If the trap catches a mouse, I have to be the one to dispose of it, since everybody in my house has left me. I can handle them when they're out in the wild, but IN MY ROOM, where i SLEEP!!? Different story, people! Ohhh dear. I hope these mice festivities come to an end soon!!!

Monday, April 03, 2006

Where's the sun?

Again, it's nasty outside. I woke up this morning with the sunshine in my face---but as I made the trek to school---the sun was swallowed up in the dark, gray clouds. The rain began to flood the streets and my windshield wipers were working overtime. It's so hard for me to want to do anything besides cuddle up in my bed when it's like this outside. Not to mention, I'm totally ready to be done with school. But if I transfer--I have at least 3 more years...oh dear, let's not talk about that.

So, my family has left me this week. They packed up and headed West, to find better jobs and less stress. Hah! No, they're really just helping Charis and Phil move to SUNNY California and taking a vacation at the same time. I'm left to fend for myself...they trust me to hold down the fort?? HEY, I can do it! It's time for me to play the "excellent student" role again, so I'm off to conquer my math homework. Did you pray in the Holy Ghost today?