Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Me & Dad

Originally uploaded by rimo523.

This is one of my most favorite pictures of all time! Why? Because I love my dad so much and in this picture, my 2 year old arms are trying to show him just how much. My dad is one of the smartest men I know, but of course he doesn't think that. Sometimes I wish I had a tape recorder for every time he talked...that way when we're apart and I need to know something or need a piece of advice, I can go through my filing cabinets full of tapes and find the one labeled: "The Book of Hebrews" or "How to fix the computer modem" or "How to solve a discrete system" or "Why to use your thinker" or what about the 18 tapes about "Cars."--those kinds of things!

God has also given him an AMAZING voice! When we were younger, we didn't have alarm clocks by our beds. We didn't need one...DAD was our alarm clock. 630AM SHARP..this is what I was suddenly startled awake to: a loud, tenor voice from the stairs singing, "Get up, Get up and praise Him! Get up, Get up and praise Him!" --reaching for the pillow and turning over, I tried to cover up the sound that so intrudingly woke me from my sound sleep. But now, I can think of no better way to be awakened. I love you, Daddy!

We as children, try to be obedient to our dads by doing what they ask us to. Perhaps it's a task that takes a couple days/weeks to do, so we get started on it, happy and pleased with ourselves that we're being obedient. But then half way thru, he lets us know that even though our heart is right, we're not doing what he asked...but why?? Because we didn't LISTEN thoroughly and follow all instructions. So now we have to start all over. I think this happens often with God the BIG Daddy! We get our instructions and off we go, anxious and impatient to get on the road. But He allows us to keep walking that path---us thinking the whole time, "yeah! this is awesome! look at where i'm going to end...WHAT?!"--and suddenly something gets put in our path and our world turns upside down, stopping us from going any further. We are discouraged, frustrated and confused thinking the whole time, "but i thought you said...don't you want me to be happy!?" only to realize that what we thought God said and what He actually DID say, were 2 different things. Then we humbly realize the lesson being taught: LISTEN and then obey. Because what we think we're going to achieve can be great--but what God wants us to achieve is AWESOME and always much better!!

Lord, teach me to be patient and LISTEN before I move. Give me a clear understanding of your instruction and allow me to continue in the path YOU have laid for me. I love you Lord.

How cute!?

Originally uploaded by rimo523.
Yeah, basically: these 2 kids are precious. This picture was taken at Ash's open house! That was like 3 years ago! But look how happy they are!? (And look at D in the background!! hah!)

Dans France...

Originally uploaded by rimo523.
DHIMITRY!!! He will be visiting with us soon! I'm so excited to see him again. God still holds him in his hand!

Originally uploaded by rimo523.
Simon and Jean are both talented musicians. I pray that they continue to use their gifts to glorify God.

Originally uploaded by rimo523.
The Louvels have a such a heart for God. What an awesome family! I love you all!

Originally uploaded by rimo523.
Manu is one crazy girl, but who doesn't love that sweet smile?

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

CH_ _ CH: What's missing?

On my drive in to work this morning, I saw this bumper sticker. At first, I didn't get. "Duh, the "u" and the "r" are missing...ohhhh U R , as in 'you are'!" Whoever thought of this was pretty creative. Then I got to thinking...what IS missing in our church? We have a stupendous, God-appointed, righteous leadership team; an outstanding! praise and worship team; we have a stable, consistent church membership; we've recently conquered the "friendliness" and warm welcoming aspect towards guests; we have a beautiful, secure and sound building that meets our needs; we have a pretty sweet cafe with lots of coffee and snacks; heck, we even have a "twirl and hurl" outside for the kids (no need to mention that it doesn't technically work, because the kids find a way to play on it anyway).

All these things are great and an abundant blessing, but what good are all these things if we, as "church people" or better yet, Children of God, don't have a HEART for God? The purpose of the church--as a building--is to provide an adequate place for people to worship and fellowship. The purpose of the church--as a body--is to encourage our brothers and sisters in Christ, but most importantly to worship and serve God as a body; to work together to bring glory and honor to our Savior. But that can't happen if we don't have the heart for it. It starts with the individual--and eventually spreads to the body as a whole. God created the church to be an unified body to accomplish the goals and purposes He's set for us. So let's make 2006 a new year---and determine to make our hearts right, so that we won't hinder the movement of God. It starts with the individual. Our spirit man has way more power than the flesh, even though sometimes it doesn't seem like it. We just need to remember to put the flesh in its place, in order for us to PRESS ON IN GOD AS A WHOLE BODY! What do you say!? LET'S DO IT!

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Back to the real world...

I started a "new" job today. I returned to the IUPUI Math Dept. as an "office personnel." Yay rah! I now truly understand what Ashley has been talking about ...being completely bored at work. Allow me to raise my hand and join that bandwagon. I'm sure Charis would love to hop on as well. There's really nothing for me to do except answer phones, send a fax and make an occasional copy. I'll be working here the rest of the semester, so I'll be blogging a bit more.

Why is it hard for us to listen to the Holy Spirit? Sometimes, we think we know better and "it will be okay to do it this way." Or perhaps, our hearts are too lukewarm or dare I say cold?--to take heed of the warnings and encouragement.

It's like this: a mother tells her child to wear a coat to school, because it's cold outside. Instead, the child thinks, "Nah, I'll be alright, it's not that cold. Besides, I'll only be outside for a few minutes anyway." So the child walks to school without the coat...forgetting that he had outside recess for 20 minutes. He toughs it out, REALLY wishing he had listened to his mom. He arrives home after a frigid walk all the way from school and is greeted by his mom at the door. The young boy tells his mom that his hands are frozen and his ears feel like they're going to fall off. She looks at him with sad eyes and says, "I wish you would have listened..." The young boy hangs his head, ashamed and regretful. His mother lifts his chin and smiles, "I knew you didn't wear your coat, and thought you'd be freezing when you got home, so I made you some hot chocolate. Next time, you need to listen to what I tell you and be obedient."

Yes, corny scenario: but let's think about this for a moment. The young boy was given instructions by his authority figure. Instructions that were not difficult that would protect him. He turned out okay with only minor "injuries"--frostbite and embarrassment. His mom was there to A) welcome him B) reprimand and re-encourage him and C) forgive and continual to love him. Sometimes, we ignore the Holy Spirit's warning because "we know better" or sometimes because it's inconvenient to do what we're told. The Holy Spirit's instructions and guidance don't line up with our agenda, so we push it aside, only to realize afterwards, we REALLY should've listened and obeyed, just like the little boy REALLY should've worn his coat.

The short term effects on our walk with Christ are usually minimal, but in the long run we can do some pretty hefty damage. But just like the mom was there to take the little boy in her arms, so is God, our Father. But when are we going to put our foot down and say enough is enough? It's time to obey. Back to my original question: Why is it hard to obey the Holy Spirit? Or take heed to his warnings? After all, we HAVE given ourselves completely to Christ, right? Galatians 2:20 talks about "I have died with Christ and it's not I, but Christ who lives within me." So, if we're living in Christ and He in us, why do we pull the opposite way and try so very hard to keep our stubborn, idiotic ways? I want to know your thoughts....please leave me some comments.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Ski Trip!!

Originally uploaded by rimo523.
This past weekend, Phil, Charis, Cindy, Beth, Adam and I all went up to Cadillac, Michigan to go skiing. Well, the girls skied and the boys snowboarded because as I was continuously reminded, "Skiing is for wimps." --So, apparently I'm qualified as a "wimp." But you know what? I'm okay with that. We had TONS of fun! On our adventure we experienced: a very cold day, the definition of punctuality, wind-burned faces, a few falls, icy slopes, awesome relationships, a lot of determination and one very bruised tailbone. But ultimately: it was a BLAST! And I am so glad we went! Here are a few pictures from the trip.

Originally uploaded by rimo523.
Adam & I taking a break in the lodge.

Originally uploaded by rimo523.
Phil & Adam were discussing some very important snowboarding techniques as they rode the ski lift.

Originally uploaded by rimo523.
Yeah, we were definitely two of the coolest cats on the mountain!

Originally uploaded by rimo523.
We were all very tuckered out. Everyone was cold, tired and bruised and ready to go home and sleep...but only after we had some yummy hot chocolate!

Monday, January 02, 2006

A day in Spain...

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Originally uploaded by rimo523.
(I decided to post a few pictures from my trip to France with Lisa and Ashley from May 2005).

This picture was taken on the beach of the Mediterranean Sea in Spain. We visited Spain for a day, eating at a pizza place and then spending a few hours at the beach. A couple funny things--one hysterical thing--happened on this beach. We watched a diverse group of 10-15 teenage guys play soccer. There were Spanish, English and German boys all playing together. It was great to watch because they kept trying to show off for us. Also, Ashley who knows a lot of German, was translating what the German guys were yelling. However, most of it turned out to be profanity, which was pretty comical hearing it in another language and having it translated. But anyway--

Next, imagine yourself laying on your stomach in the sand facing this umbrella thing. Lisa and I were doing just that. Laying there and chatting about different things. To the left of the umbrella was a couple. The man, was older, generously plump and laying on his stomach. The woman was sitting, reading her magazine. All of the sudden we heard a "plllllpp!" Yes, that's exactly right..the old man farted. Immediately, Lisa burst out laughing, having no time to try and stop herself. Of course, this outbreak caused me to start laughing as well. The woman looked at us and while chuckling as well, turned to her husband and said something to this effect, "That was loud enough for those ladies over there to hear that. And they're laughing at you." We were only about 20 ft away from them, so obviously they're going to hear us laughing. The man lifted his head a bit, spied us out of the corner of his eye, then laid back down and started laughing. Lisa and I laughed for a good 10 minutes solid. We would stop laughing, then look at each other and crack up! It was UNbelievable!!

Sunday, January 01, 2006


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Originally uploaded by rimo523.
"Nimes is nice, but Nice is nicer."

This is a beach in Nice, France. It was soo beautiful! But the water was FREEZING!


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Originally uploaded by rimo523.
This is in Monte Carlo/Monaco, France. Dhimitry wouldn't stop because there were tons of people there and if we had stopped, it would've taken forever to get back in the car and on the go again. Also, it just so happened that the annual Monte Carlo Grand Prix race had just finished when we were driving through.