Sunday, November 26, 2006

Never before..

The date of my last haircut was sometime in the winter of 2004. That's a pretty long time to let a person's hair grow. At first, I was just growing mine out to grow it out, but then I realized I could donate it to Locks Of Love for kids with leukemia and cancer who have lost their hair. It's a pretty cool thing. The minimum of hair they accept it 10 inches. Folks, that's a LOT of hair. Here is my before and after shot:

Sunday, November 12, 2006

I really miss all my church family!!!! I love you guys!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Happenings in East TN

Everything is still going smoothly down here--well, depending on your definition of "smoothly." I mean we can say that the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics is still holding true: Entropy increases...constantly. But enough of that. Here's what's been happening: I resigned from my position at one of the big electronic powerhouses: Best Buy. There were a few complications and it became too demanding for me, working 20+ hours and taking 18 credits at school. My two weeks will be ending right before Thanksgiving break...convenient, huh? :) Up next, there's been a lot of bonding with my group of friends. God's been awesome in letting me get to know these people! The girls on the left and I went to a local highschool football team...we missed highschool football and freezing and screaming. It was their homecoming and some of the kids from one of my field classes asked me to come. Shooo!! Why not!?
Every year, at Milligan's homecoming there is the extremely competitive football game. Milligan Alumni vs. Milligan students. Alumni ALWAYS win...but there was something new in the air this year. Perhaps it was the bitter cold or the stellar game plan or the amazing fans who braved the frostbite to cheer their team on. Whatever it was, the underdogs came through and in the last minute scored the winning touch down. In the first time of Milligan history---the stream-line students take the V-I-C-T-O-R-Y!
Michael is the owner of that incredibly awesome backwards somersault in the air. We were at the soccer conference championship game (i'll talk about that in a sec) and the fans were getting pumped up. Michael is known for his acrobatics off of tall this case, a tall man's shoulders were the jumping base. It was pretty sweet. The conference game: WE WON--again, another first in Milligan school history. This weekend is Regionals and the student body is pretty pumped about that! The men's soccer team has never gone this GO Buffs!
The last happening is that our heat was broken for a few days. We spoke to the maintenance and they promised to come fix it. I came home from class one day...and found this. I thought it funny and took a picture, without Mr Fix-it's permission...he didn't even know I took it.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Some more crazy costumes...

The Beautiful Brides Spidy-Spiderman Yee-haw Cowboy

Daring Dash Cow + Farmer Evil Witches

Peter Pan clan:

Peter Pan, Tinkerbell, Adult Peter Pan, Wendy

Crunk Your Trunk

Tuesday was a memorable day here at Milligan College. It was the first annual "Crunk your Trunk". A few weeks before the event, students on campus begin planning and designing their tru
nks for this great occasion. They say it's for the kids, but the students deep down are in it for the $50 gift card to the restaurant of their choice. On the day of, students are anxiously and quickly "crunking" their trunks. The automobiles are parked in the designated parking lot and everyone sets up. At 6pm, the children are allowed to begin their festivity of trick or treating. Most of these children, are sons and daughters of faculty and staff, here at Milligan. (ABOVE: The Black Pearl and its
mates---notice the plank!)
Others are children from the neighboring areas. It is pretty cool because it lets kids trick-or-treat in a safe environment. Not only are the college students competeing for "Best Trunk" but the kids have theirown competition of "Best Costume" "Most Originality" or
even "Scariest Costume."
I was able to capture the winners
of each of these categories on camera. To the right, you can see Captain Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean:
"Best Costume". Next, was "Most Originality" and the winner is: Slice of Pizza. The remaining costume is "Scariest Costume"---this kid was dressed well and did a good job of being scary. I was kind of worried when I was taking the picture. His parents really knew what they were doing...Dracula.
All of the kids were dressed so well!! The students were dressed up as well, ready to hand out candy to the trick-or-treaters! Unfortunately, Brett and I did not participate because 1. we didn't have time and 2. we are poor college students. But we did go and take pictures and look at the cute little kids!