Wednesday, July 26, 2006


i know i know, i've been bad about not posting. but stay tuned...i have some free time in the next couple days and will be updating: pictures and all!

Friday, July 14, 2006

There are so many things I could blog about, so many things that have been happening in my life, many changes that are taking place, opportunities to freak out, opportunities to strengthen my faith, people to encourage and build relationships with, environments that cause frustration, just to name a few. I've noticed my stress level limit has enlarged and with that, I need to keep a tighter reign on my tongue, like Pastor has been talking about.

I'm getting ready to move to Tennessee, for those of you who don't know: I'm going to a Christian school down there, where I know no one. "Well then why are you going!?" I feel like God had me at IUPUI for a purpose and a season. I think I have fulfilled my purpose and I feel the season has ended. The move will be a trying one, I guess you could say; so care packages and phone calls would be awesome from those of you who feel the desire. The Lord has blessed me with a really cool advisor at school, whom I met while visiting the college, but had no idea he would be my advisor. I'm taking a full load of 17-20 credits, while working about 20 hours a week. Speaking of classes, my summer history and math class are going well right now. I'm enjoying my math class (I know, you all think I'm crazy) and history class is made tolerable thanks to two "yahoos" that sit next to me.

God has been doing a lot of changing in me recently. A while back, I received two different prophecies at two different times that I had an intercessory gift...I put that on the shelf for awhile, waiting confirmation. One night at church camp as I was praying for a girl, the Lord told me to get by myself and pray. So I did and I began crying...why? I only knew it was God. During this time, He reminded me about those 2 prophecies that I had forgotten about. "Well, maybe it's time?" The next night I asked the speaker to pray for me, for confirmation and manifestation of the intercessory gift, if that's really what God had for me. Let me tell you, it was. :) I definitely felt the presence of the Holy Spirit and had a burning sensation rising up inside me. It was awe-some!! So that was a huge change in my life.

The picture is of Becca, Stephen and Kyle: a few totally hecka' (CA!) cool people. beth and i have had the chance to get to know these people pretty well. And we've been having an awesome summer!! So this is a summary of what's been going on...thank you for staying tuned. Be blessed.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

It's crazy that I'm just now finding time to write about my second California trip that was a month ago. Life has been a whirlwind. I know Charis already wrote about the differences between California and Indiana (she beat me to the punch) but I want to share with you some of the things I observed while being there. I'll try not to repeat any of Charis' statements.

1. The majority (98.9%) of Californians do NOT know how to drive. (Excluding those of you who I rode did pretty well.)

2. Hondas and BMWs rule the West Coast.

3. One can be sure to find a Starbucks on every corner.

4. Techno music is still the only way for some people.

5. I have lived under a rock when it comes to movies and music.

6. "Mormonism is Christianity, but it's cooler because we're the only ones who actually have a living prophet on earth." (uh...?)

7. "California cares" should be the slogan/motto. Pedestrians ALWAYS have the right of way, no matter what and it's against the law NOT to recycle. "Conserve, people!"

8. Driving a BMW 325 is just as riveting as it sounds. But riding with an experienced driver down the "OMGosh Hill" in the 325 is an adrenaline rush. It's also invigorating to ride thru downtown San Fran and peel out, impressing the homeless men.

9. Strange people exist everywhere...just ask the crazy half-naked boy at Union Square.

10. Drug deals are not as concealed as they should be and happen right before your eyes. (It's true, I witnessed this.)

11. The weather is tempermental changing 30+ degrees throughout the day.

12. Bank accounts are quickly and easily drained while enjoying a vacation in CA.

13. "In-N-Out" is the shiz-nit!! Even at 1230AM!

California #2:

Here are some photos, Top-Bottom:

~Anna, Abby and I: cute as can be.
~Holly, me, Ben: all laughing as usual
~downtown San Francisco
~playing in the FREEZING pacific
~two weird people
~the sun was too bright
~excited to be in CA with lawrence and holly!