Tuesday, January 24, 2006

CH_ _ CH: What's missing?

On my drive in to work this morning, I saw this bumper sticker. At first, I didn't get. "Duh, the "u" and the "r" are missing...ohhhh U R , as in 'you are'!" Whoever thought of this was pretty creative. Then I got to thinking...what IS missing in our church? We have a stupendous, God-appointed, righteous leadership team; an outstanding! praise and worship team; we have a stable, consistent church membership; we've recently conquered the "friendliness" and warm welcoming aspect towards guests; we have a beautiful, secure and sound building that meets our needs; we have a pretty sweet cafe with lots of coffee and snacks; heck, we even have a "twirl and hurl" outside for the kids (no need to mention that it doesn't technically work, because the kids find a way to play on it anyway).

All these things are great and an abundant blessing, but what good are all these things if we, as "church people" or better yet, Children of God, don't have a HEART for God? The purpose of the church--as a building--is to provide an adequate place for people to worship and fellowship. The purpose of the church--as a body--is to encourage our brothers and sisters in Christ, but most importantly to worship and serve God as a body; to work together to bring glory and honor to our Savior. But that can't happen if we don't have the heart for it. It starts with the individual--and eventually spreads to the body as a whole. God created the church to be an unified body to accomplish the goals and purposes He's set for us. So let's make 2006 a new year---and determine to make our hearts right, so that we won't hinder the movement of God. It starts with the individual. Our spirit man has way more power than the flesh, even though sometimes it doesn't seem like it. We just need to remember to put the flesh in its place, in order for us to PRESS ON IN GOD AS A WHOLE BODY! What do you say!? LET'S DO IT!


Dustin said...

Yay! lets do it, but i have one question what is a twirl and hurl i could of swore it was called a merry go round

Naomi said...

I think it's awesome, Mirm! I don't think we should rely on who is and isn't at church for our relationship with God. It's good to fellowship with others, but you need some one-on-one time with Him alone. I keep trying to get Esther to put up a blog!

Anonymous said...

Good post mirm! Love you girl... Might I add, it is impossible to get ahold of charis and phil.